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Arya Employment Agency

 Tel:+985138660999      Email:  info@aryajob.com

Arya non-governmental vocational counseling and employment agency, with authorization of Labour Ministry of Iran, has commenced its services to employers and jobseekers inside Iran through private sector since 2008. In order to respond to the demand of the Iranian jobseekers through a secure and legal way; this center has gained the authorization of manpower export under title of "Arya International Employment", so began its work in the field in 2009.

Concerning the demand of the international labour market for educated and experienced workforce ,Arya agency has focused on the export of the skilled workers and university graduates for completion of their skills in the foreign labour markets, getting familiar with the modern technology of the world and also, as a step toward decreasing the youth unemployment.

Management and the staff of the centre are trying to offer the best services in the direction of preparing the Iranian jobseekers for work overseas,on the other hand, provide the need of foreign markets to the Iranian workforce through making efficient relationships with the employers and professional societies in other countries .while, this centre tries to faciliate the activity and investment of the foreign employers in Iran by supplying the needed manpower and relevant services for them.

In the present time, this organization is the only specialized centre which has been recognized by the Labour Ministry of Iran in the field of manpower dispatch to Germany .The agency has agents in Germany and Australia.

Our Services for job seekers:

1 Registration (paper and internet-based).
2 Consultancy in the following fields:
A Job selection.
B Writing resume and job interview with employers.
C Salary level and demand of the region s labour market with consideration to the conditions of jobseeker.
D Evaluation of jobseeker skills and adapting them to the demands of the labour market.
E Suggesting short-time skilled courses to the jobseekers in order to increase their skills and their successful entry to the labour market.Some of these courses are held by Arya Negaresh Shargh Company dependent to Arya Agency.
3 Lodging the file of unemployment insurance for the applicants.
4 Preparing Iranian jobseekers for work and residence in other countries.


Our Services for Employer & Companies

1 To search and present needed workforce for employers with regard to their conditions.
2 Publishing employment advertisements on behalf of employers through newspapers.
3 Informing about regulations and instructions of Labour Ministry which being aware of them would be beneficial for the employers.
4 Exercising social security insurance exemption for the eligible employers according to the fourth Development Programme of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

To offer counselling services for the employers relating to labour law and social security.

 Tel:+985138660999      Email:  info@aryajob.com

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کار و اقامت اتباع خارجی

شرايط لغو تعهد فارغ التحصيلان دانشگاههاي دولتي

مشاوره کار و تامین اجتماعی

حقوق و دستمزد 1403وسالهاي قبل

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قانون کار جمهوری اسلامی ایران

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مطالب متنوع اشتغال

راهنماي حق الزحمه استخدام شدگان كاريابي

آمار سایت
بازديدهاي امروز: 178
بازديدهاي ديروز: 180
کل بازديدها: 3834998
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